For me:
1. Knowing your worth
2. Having confidence
3. Knowing if one door closes, how to kick in another
4. Having a degree doesn't mean you know how to run a business. (So somethimes you will have to bite your tongue)
5. Networking & Follow up emails
What are your top 5 values for success?
1. Knowing your worth
2. Having confidence
3. Knowing if one door closes, how to kick in another
4. Having a degree doesn't mean you know how to run a business. (So somethimes you will have to bite your tongue)
5. Networking & Follow up emails
What are your top 5 values for success?
NY Vixen! love your blog! I have worked for many and have learned many things along the way.
Respect& tact
these are my 5 values of success and i always make sure i follow.
Ambition because without this where would we be?
Fearlessness (if thats even a word, lol) fear is the root of all evil! no need to be scared of the unknown.
Respect & Tact, we all have to respect each other, yourself and your heart, if those whom do not show you respect you need tact in order to deal with those people properly.
Ethics- this has to do with our morality. need i say more?
most importantly LOVE, no need to hate or be stone cold. A love for what we do and love for who we are and love love love. makes the world go round!
-Ellum Deyn Global Styling
Thank you, Ellum Deyn Global Styling! Your 5 values are great and I agree; unfortunatly working for certain employers and having too much ambition isn't appreciated, unless it's benefitting them. Fearlessness is a great word, Ambitious people are never scared of the unknown. Respect and tact.....Absolutely! Alot of people have none these days. Ethics: YES, YES, YES! However if you have no respect & tact 9 times out of 10 there are no ethics. You need one to have the other. Love is just as important, w/o it your lifeless. Many Blessings & Thank you for sharing! Lipgloss & Hairspray
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